Take your lovemaking out of the ordinary into the extraordinary with these deep lovemaking strokes.
Try one or two of these once you’re warmed up and are ready for more.
Add in some deep breathing and eye gazing to any of these strokes and feel your connection in deep lovemaking go off the scale!
A vital key is not to strive for orgasm in this.
If the orgasm begins to arise feel free to follow it without striving to make anything happen, allow your body to lead your mind, rather than the reverse.
Amazing things can happen this way!
For Both Lovers:
- Rock your hips rather than thrusting them, as thrusting creates tension in your muscles and rocking opens them up, allowing much more pleasure to flow. You rock your hips by arching and flattening your lower back.
- Play with your breath- breathe out as you rock your hips forward to penetrate/be penetrated, breathe in as you rock your hips back. Then try the opposite.
- Breathe in short and sharp to build your sexual energy, alternating with deep and slow to spread it through your body.
- Without moving both of you contract and release your pelvic floor muscles together as this releases energy from your two lower chakras.
- Move slow, really slow, all the way out and all the way back in. Relax your Yoni (vaginal) muscles as much as possible. This helps activate the positive/negative energy exchange between your genitals exponentially increasing your pleasure.
- Imagine your heart energy penetrating/being penetrated by your lover.
- Place a pillow under your woman’s butt as this changes the angle of penetration.
- Try rear entry for deepest penetration. Be guided by your lover’s degree of openness.
- Introduce moments of complete stillness to explore the valley orgasm.
For men:
- Stay centred in yourself and aware of your internal energy flows as this will help you last longer and be heart open and emotionally available to your lover.
- Play with your lovers gspot prior to being inside her so it is awake and receptive.
- Go slowly until you can feel your lover’s Yoni fully open to you.
- Vary your speed rather than maintain a set rhythm.
- Move in and out just two or three inches (5cms) at a time as this helps stimulate the gspot.
- After moving all the way in move back and forwards just an inch or two whilst remaining deep as this helps stimulate the A (along the front wall of the vagina just before the cervix) and O spot (at the back wall near the cervix) for deep heart opening pleasure. Be really present with this one, give it the time it deserves.
- Move your hips around in a circle, first one way then the other, this can drive a woman wild!
- When you’re in deep stop moving and squeeze and release your pelvic floor muscles (which you’ve been practicing with, right?).
For women:
- Stay centred in yourself, in your heart and aware of your internal energy flows as this will help you be emotionally available to your lover.
- Contract and release your pelvic floor muscles- short and sharp. Long and slow.
- Your Yoni (vagina) has three rings of muscle- an outer, middle and inner layer. You can learn to contract and release these individually and awaken deeper pleasure in both of you. If you can’t do it yet you can have fun trying!
- Place your legs as high up around your lovers back as you can manage. Try over his shoulders if you can. Then try having your legs straight just resting over his ankles, changing the angle of the penetration.