As women we're supposed to be everything these days.
Successful in our careers, perfect mothers, perfect wives or partners with perfect bodies readily available for hot sex and then to be superwoman leaping tall buildings with a single bound whilst doing everything else that’s needed.
And the biggie of course...
We’re supposed to love ourselves whilst we’re trying to achieve these ideals of perfection.
As if it’s the only kind of love we’re really entitled to.
We’re either tired and disillusioned that having it all is not possible, or we’re still out there striving to make it happen whilst feeling lost or hollow in the inside.
And to make it harder, we somehow feel let down by the men in our lives, that they’re not there for us in the ways that we really need them to be, so we often feel really alone in our struggle.
And underneath all this is what we scarcely give ourselves permission to think about-
Our desires...
And not the desires that we think we should want either.
But what we actually do…
To slow down, relax and maybe even stop altogether
To be able to really enjoy life, not just suffer it
To feel wonderful in our bodies, even joyous, happy and orgasmic
Yes, pleasure, just the for delicious pleasure of it
To desire lovemaking
To desire our partners and have them desire us
To feel empowered, radiant, alive and open
To have energy for the things we need to do and enough for what we want to do
To feel good enough just as we are
Or maybe to feel really amazing just as we are!
Well I'm here to let you in on a secret.
We CAN"T have it all...
We CAN have many things, and even things we never knew we could have or experience. But there are now so many possibilities there simply isn’t time to do everything. At least not over the long run.
This is why it is vital that we choose what we DO put our time and energy into. This is what is creating our reality.
There are many women out there making real gains and creating real change for themselves and for those around them.
And the place that they found these gains started not “out there”, in the next course, the next job or the next man. It started within themselves.
It started with them giving themselves permission to get out of survival mode and the hyper vigilance that comes from living an overly masculinised (driven) life and start feeling safe, at greater ease, with increased energy, creativity and self empowerment.
This is what I offer you here...
Tips and tools to get in touch with more of your inner self, your inner truth, your internal rest, love and power pack.
And to know that you are not alone, that we’re all in this together.
Not competing but supporting each other to get the best out of life, love and relationship.
Looking forward to meeting you on the journey.
Annette Baulch